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Five Dancewear's story began in Bountiful, Utah after owner, Michelle, decided something needed to change in the dancewear industry. Inspired by her three dancing daughters, Michelle began to hone in on her design skills and begin something new. Fueled, quite literally, by a fire that burnt her previous clothing company to the ground, Five arose from the ashes. Here's the story told in Michelle's own words.
"One day while getting the girls ready for school, I flipped on the news to mindlessly play in the background while going about our busy morning when I heard news of a warehouse on fire. Turning to the screen I was beyond surprised to see that it was MY warehouse up in flames. We immediately rushed to the scene and after wading through water, smoke, fire damage, and the rubble of what was left of my company, I decided this was a chance for a new start."
Flash forward a couple of years, and you have the birth of Five. After attending multiple conventions and competitions for her daughters, Michelle noticed that the crowds of dancers were beginning to blend into the same thing and it became increasingly more difficult to find her daughters new clothing that would make them stand out from the rest of the crowd. Quickly she decided to use the skills she developed in her previous company to fill the gap in the market. 
Since then, Five has moved from being a small, local business run out of Michelle's basement, to being carried worldwide and worn by many talented dancers on shows like Dancing With The Stars, World of Dance, and So You Think You Can Dance. We will never forget where we came from and continuously work hard to provide individually designed pieces that are meticulously crafted and perfected for individuals like you who are looking to stand out from the rest.
Presenting Five Dancewear, made specifically for movers, shakers, and risk takers. 