nav_icon Contact Us - Five The Label
Many questions can be answered on our FAQ page! Please see the information provided there before emailing/calling in.
CUSTOMER SERVICE EMAIL: info@fivethelabel.com
ADDRESS: Five The Label / Five Dancewear
                        831 East Pioneer Road, #107
                         Draper, UT 84020
Please send an email to info@fivethelabel.com for a guaranteed response. Our team will do our best to respond within our usual 1-2 business days but could take up to 2-3 business days with the high amount of emails during the holidays (please keep in mind that business days exclude weekends and holidays).

CUSTOMER SERVICE PHONE NUMBER: M-F 9:30am-3:30pm MST 801-673-7630 
If you are not able to reach us via phone, please email us for a guaranteed response. We typically respond within 24-48 hours (1-2 business days). Thanks for your understanding!